What comes to your mind when the word soft fabric is heard of? Probably a word like silk clicks in, as the latter is widely known on its unrivaled softness for centuries. However, it can be unpractical as silk can’t be machine washed. Let’s consider cotton as an alternative as it offers sensible everyday use function, but cotton is unable to emulate the softness of silk.
In response, a new solution is born for you … Silktex™
Silktex™ is a revolutionary technology which produced from cellulose fibre – it’s natural and shares the many positive properties of cotton, and at the same time it can replicate the soft and smooth feel of silk.
Undoubtedly, Silktex™ fabrics are soft, smooth, cool, comfortable and highly absorbent, making them ideal for use in hot and humid climates.
Akemi Silktex™ is available now, let’s explore at Akemi outlets in major department stores to get your preferred designs now!